Monday 6 June 2011

The Future of Books

The future of books and demise of the printed word is a topic that has been causing much debate and controversy in the past few years and two articles, one by Aaron Saenz, and the other by James McQuivey, explore this idea brilliantly. Both of them talk about how in the past few years EBook have completely remodeled the world of literacy, although whether in a positive way is debatable.

Libraries are more commonly associated with the stern librarians and real shelves of books but this is starting to change. The Kindle Lending Library is allowing over 11 00 copies of digital books to be lent in public libraries and then loaned for short periods of time (7-14 days).The article in question seems to suggest that the death of libraries will announce the death of hard literature.Now is this the only reason which is suggests the previously mentioned “death of books”. NO.

Let me quote from the article “30% of all readers in the US consume both digital and physical books.During 2010 paperback sales dropped 25%.Predictions indicate that there will be 18 million e-books sold in 2011.As well as this,prices are now also adjusting. The average physical book is selling at around $15 but ebooks are more like $9.The summary which the writer makes in the last part of his article is that although the prices of books has effectively already dipped by $6 there is no reason why it can fall much further.The main reason for this - Piracy. It is not hard to scan a book and copy it- and it DOES happen, however in many ways this is a good thing as it encourages people to read and many will recommend a book they have stolen to another friend, who may buy it. The other issue is the need for publishing, marketing, distribution etc.. is all done online and the need for these companies is decreasing the whole time. We are undergoing a major change in the nature of how we sit down to read a good book, and that is unfortunately amongst all things- undeniable.

James Mcquiveys article, entitled ‘Why the Book Business may soon be the Most Digital of All Media Industries’, floods us with jaw dropping facts and figures and beautifully illustrates how the digital book really will become the normal within 4 years. We are told that by 2015 the industry will be worth 3 billion dollars. However at the moment only 7% of readers read digitally, those 7% though spend more and read more than the other 93%. It is this rise in books read because of an EBook that is sure to make the digital word a hugely profitable and large industry. He compares the digitisation of Book to that of Music and television, which make their money off adverts, sales, tickets and fees, whereas books make all their money at face value, there is no advertising or ticket sales, the only money made is made by buying a book. The publisher also benefits from books becoming digital as it allows them to produce a book without the extra costs of printing, meaning they can make more money and continue to fuel the ever expanding industry.

These articles do not represent completely the evolution of books and I feel that this digital growth is not necessarily a good thing. Although it does encourage more people to read and is much cheaper, to see the downfall of the printed word, one of the most timely of all traditions, would be abysmal and very upsetting.

By Jonah Freud, Adam Goodbody and Jasper Harlington

Sunday 1 May 2011


In this new technological age, very few things are left how they are, and in the past few years one of our oldest things, the book, has finally been taken by technology. The EBook is an electronic book that can store up to thousands of different books on a tiny pad and last year for every one hundred paperback books sold, 115 EBooks are sold. Many people view this as a bad thing as the book is sacred but in my personal opinion if the EBook will make more people read than it is a very good thing because it will help more people to become more cultured.

People say that soon the book will die out but in my opinion Paperbacks are going nowhere. For many reasons, personally i will always chose a physical book as i like a momento of what I've read and there is nothing quite like the feeling of a book in your hands. There are also the advantages of going to the library and renting books without having to pay for them, which one can not do with an EBook.

Some of the most popular EBooks are the Amazon Kindle and the Sony EReader, the kindle probably being the more popular of the two as it has a wider selection of books and is cheaper and far nicer to read on. The IPad too has a reading feature although I find the strong light on the IPad quite harsh on the eyes.

The Ebook is one of the most popular spins on such of an sacred and classic object and think the Paperback as well as the EBook will stand the test of time.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


Mashups have become extremely popular recently but their are still downsides, primarily the restriction of copyright.

An example of a mashup/remix that has been removed is Nirvana vs Destiny's Child remix. The accompanying YouTube message is:

"This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants. Sorry about that."

This message is appearing all over YouTube and will soon reach some of our most beloved mashups and remixes.

such as:

Not only is this copyright affecting mashups but also popuular spoofs such as the 'Downfall' series of videos. Some of my favourite of these which could soon be sude for copyright are:

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Our Stop Motion

This is the stop motion video that me and a friend made for a school project. Using a Canon SLR 400D we took 1,364 shots, each lasting 0.12 seconds and then edited it on iMovie '10. The project took about 10 hours so i hope you enjoy.

Monday 7 March 2011

Stop Motion

For those of you that don't know stop motion is a filming technique. A picture is taken of an object and it is moved slightly then another picture is taken, when these are played as a continuous sequence a movement illusion is created.
Stop motion has been a huge part of filming for more than 100 years now, it was originally used in 1898 by Albert E. Smith and J. Stuart Blackton in which they made a circus of animals come to life. Since then stop motion was used as an illusion technique in films (before CGI). For example in 'The Raiders of The Lost Ark' stop motion is used to create ghosts, or in 'The Terminator' stop motion is used for an alien spaceship scene. Stop Motion also played a huge part it children's animations, it was used in the pilot of south park which was made almost entirely out of construction paper. It was also used to create animation phenomenon 'Pingu' about a penguin.
CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) has effectively rendered stop motion obsolete as a serious special effects tool in feature film but many still use stop motion for its very low price and unique texture. For example Tim Burton used it over CGI in the making of his move 'The Corpse Bride' which was puppet animated in 2005.
To finish, although there are newer and probably more realistic ways of creating the same effect as stop motion they will never be the same and therefore stop motion still remains a key part of the film industry.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


Heres the presentation I did on 'The Mighty Boosh', I found it quite difficult to upload but hopefully this will work.

Monday 10 January 2011


So the Holidays are finishing, what did everyone do? I just stayed in england and had a nice Christmas, Sorry I didn't blog too much there wasn't much internet down in The Cotswolds.

That's where I spent the main part of my holiday.